Friday, January 28, 2011

childhood memories ruined part 1

Do you ever remember a show from your childhood that you thought was just amazing and then after many years you go back and realize it wasn't as good as you thought? Whenever I get bored I sometimes look for youtube videos of shows I use to watch when I was a kid and I'm surprised just how awful some of the shows were that I thought were cool. I think I might start a weekly post of my findings for everyone to enjoy. The first one is from the show land of the lost. I loved this show because it had a land full of dinosaurs and at 6 years old anything with dinosaurs was my favorite show of all time. well...needless to say it hasn't aged well...first off how the freak do they have enough gas to drive around? They're in the flippin land of the lost! Plus its convient everyone happens to speak english even the monkey things. well i guess its better than the 70's version....enjoy

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